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2024, 24 Oktyabr, Cümə axşamı, Bakı vaxtı 12:28

In Azerbaijan Chief of Staff Writes About Western Colonialism

Ramiz Mehdiyev, the Head of the Presidential Administration
Ramiz Mehdiyev, the Head of the Presidential Administration

Ramiz Mehdiyev, Azerbaijan’s Chief of Staff wrote a 60 page diatribe that was published December 3. In it, he lambasted many (paying special tribute to the West and in particular to the U.S.) for double standards, biased approach and anti- Azerbaijan sentiments. He accused some of the local non-governmental organizations, publications and individuals for being part of what he describes as “fifth column” and being puppets in the hands of Western Colonialism.

The core argument of his paper is that following the “velvet revolutions” and the collapse of the socialist camp the world political order reshuffled. As a result, everything was now controlled from one center. Mehdiyev is of a strong opinion, it is the United States of America holding all the strings in its hands.

Because of this, Mehdiyev belives the historical events of the past 25 years are directly the result of a plot directed from West and U.S.

"The so-called political prisoners" writes Mehdiyev are also part of this dirty plot. Operating illegaly these organizations and their leaders were engaged in corrupt activities.

Below is a compilation of selected quotes translated from the original piece.

On Arab Spring and some of the recent civil resistance uprisings in the world

“When observing the events of the ‘Arab Spring’ I understood these people were instructed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

“I also understood that apart from an imposition of ‘the right to protest is just as natural as it is the right for citizens to resist the usurpation of power’ notion there is perfectly well prepared technology in place.”

He does not leave people like Gene Sharp unmentioned. Mehdiyev saysthere are no “extraordinary ideologies” in Sharp’s work. “The main goal is destruction. The breaking of the state machinery allows for a condition called ‘controlled chaos’ run by the foreign powers” argues Mehdiyev.

It is not always Mehdiyev mentiones names. For instance, he writes, “today, most of the political analysts note, that ‘color revolutions’ are becoming the source of danger for the regional security and more often replace the disgruntled states with the regimes under U.S. control”. Who are these political analysts leaves question marks.

Mehdiyev claims the “umbrella revolution” in Honk Kong illustrated once again that “certain world powers still have not given up on ‘color revolutions’ [using them] to replace those states [world powers] are not satisfied with”.

“Fifth Column”

“’Fifth Column’ are movements and organizations working for the foreign governments” writes Mehdiyev.

“Historians used this term to show the destructive agency of the enemy states. Often this term is equaled to collaborationism, meaning, for the benefit of the enemy, knowingly and voluntarily collaborating with the enemy in order to damage own state”.

“Today, disguising its true intentions, various international rights watchdogs, American and European think tanks (acting in partnership with the U.S.) and simple non-governmental organizations pretend to work on the human rights, democratic values and market economy and have established a strong network of its branches across the world. These are the new type of “fifth column” writes Mehdiyev.

And again, when discrediting the international watchdogs under the “fifth column” reference, Meydiyev once more forgets to mention names. “Most of the researchers would agree that the most dangerous factor for the system of international relations is promotion of politically oriented ideas disguised under the so-called democracy”.

“There are totally different intentions hidden beneath the White House statements as ‘we ensure peace and harmony in the region’, ‘we are spreading democracy’, ‘we intend to bring stability into the region”. It is the result of this mindset writes Mehdiyev that Obama Administration is responsible for the present world crisis in the international relations.

On Vaclav Havel Human Rights Award winner Anar Mammadli and other Azerbaijani prominent individuals and organizations

In one part of his article, Mehdiyev relies on the analysis presented by an American Eric Draitser. Draitser, who is an independent geopolitical analyst, recently wrote that “In order to truly assess the political and economic calculus of Azerbaijan, one must also be aware of the various organs of western “soft power” which have taken root in the country. Through a vast network of NGOs and other institutions, the West has attempted to assert influence and indirect control over the political course of the country. In so doing, the West has in many ways alienated the government of President Aliyev, and driven it closer to Russia, particularly in light of recent events in Ukraine which have been correctly interpreted as a possible preview of what might come to Azerbaijan should Washington deem it necessary”.

Based on Draitser’s conclusions, Mehdiyev claims the U.S. and its allies are determined to interrupt the stability in Azerbaijan. For this they have been using “human rights”, “freedom of the civil society” and “democracy” demagogy.

And here is when Mehdiyev brings the example of Anar Mammadli, the so-called “political prisoner”. According to Mehdiyev, Mammadli’s organization “became an addition to the US’s ‘soft-power’ since the date of its establishment in 2002. The organization (Mehdiyev does not mention the name of it), funded by the National Democratic Institute – a branch of the National Endowment for Democracy - was established in order to promote the 'soft power' across the world.

“For instance, the sole purpose of the European Endowment for Democracy Fund is to slander Azerbaijani state. [The organization] allocated approximately $300000 in grants to Meydan TV project [whose purpose is] to reduce Azerbaijan’s influence in the world.

It is unfair Azerbaijan is often criticized by the West because Azerbaijani state is supportive of its non-governmental organizations. “Isn’t this a sign of Azerbaijan government’s attention and support for development of the civil society and democracy notions?” asks Mehdiyev having listed financial assistance provided by the government to the local non-governmental organizations between 2007 and 2013. “Why haven’t these initiatives – to develop and support civil society - received positive attention from the West?”

“Existing facts show that organizations created by the foreign donors aren’t actually working in improving democracy and civil society. They are the main instruments used to pressure the government and to realize the political and economic interests."

Mehdiyev views the National Council, main opposition body, as radicals.

He also attempts at discrediting Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament. “Surely Martin Schulz’s statements to release the so-called “political prisoners” and free Leyla Yunus during this year Sakharov prize award ceremony are nonsensical”. Mehdiyev writes that even The Economist described Schulz as an unstable personality. The mentioned article published May 11, 2013, includes an illustration of Schulz chasing higher positions in Brussels. Mehdiyev however, leaves out the rest of the article where it says “Mr Schulz hopes to shift voters away from narrow domestic concerns (often they see the European election mostly as a chance to kick their national government). He wants to change the debate from a sterile argument for or against the EU into one about what kind of union it should be. It would also be harder for the likes of Mr Farage to denounce the commission for being “unelected”.

On the arrested journalist Khadija Ismayilova and Azadiq Radio

“Their [people like Khadija Ismayilova, opposition] main concern is lip service to their bosses abroad and keeping good relations with them. The best example is Azadliq Radio’s journalist Khadija Ismayil. Together with her colleague “friends” she puts on anti-Azerbaijani shows, makes absurd statements, openly demonstrates destructive attitude towards well-known members of Azerbaijani community, and spreads insulting lies. It is clear this sort of defiance pleases Ms. Ismayilova’s patrons abroad” wrote Mehdiyev.

“Overall there is an understanding within the society,that Radio Azadliq and its employees are on a disgusting path. There is no need to prove that provision of false information is the same as working for the foreign secret service. This is treason. This is what journalists and people with healthy mindset think. If the symbol of democracy is Khadija Ismayilova, then it is awful to imagine what future awaits the society” concludes Mehdiyev.